Stand out.

You’re never going to see yourself, or your audience, the same way again.

Habit Finder™ measures your habits of thinking as quickly and accurately as a thermometer measures temperature. Once you know your thought habits, you (or your organization) can immediately get to work on the future you choose. Master your habits. Multiply your income.

Habit Finder is EEOC certified, and was developed over thousands of hours of research with 75,000 clients. Now it’s your turn. Remove the roadblocks. Step on the gas.

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There’s a Hole In Your Donut™. In the middle of all plans, sales methods, demonstration methods, white papers, and ads is something that will transform how you talk to your audience. Bigger deals, greater retention, deeper discovery, shorter cycles—they all live here. As one Director put it, upon walking out of this workshop: “I can never see the world the same way again.”

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Power Presentation Skills™ is one of our most requested courses, and is unlike any other. No technical skill can compensate for a bored audience.

Instead of simply focusing on presentation tools or proper breathing, this uniquely powerful approach to telling your story will have you delivering messages that move people to action. You’ll feel transformed. So will your audience.  


“I don’t change the way people do business. I change the way they think, and they change the way they do business.”

— Nathan Walker

Additional services

Speaking engagements

Nathan is a sought-after speaker, and has given commencement addresses, spoken at several universities, inspired people at community events, lifted large audiences with his unique storytelling style, and has been a featured presenter at several global digital marketing conventions. He is often described as a “master teacher.”

Group “Thought DNA”

Habit Finder™ is more powerful than ever when applied to your organization or team. Within a couple of hours, you can have a true readout on the collective habits that will make or break your business—long before anyone is consciously aware of them. Then, we’ll work together to multiply your success—and your income.

Web analytics training

As of 2008, Nathan had become one of the most prolific and successful web analytics trainers on the globe. Major international clients on four continents invited him repeatedly to get their teams up to speed, and to open their minds to new ideas. His “How To Think” approach, made its debut during an engagement at GM, and became the core of internal and external training for the largest web analytics company in the world for more than a decade.


Presentation Coaching

There’s a reason bullet points are called bullet points! Together, we’ll turn your presentation into something interesting, inspiring, and effective. Using techniques from the highly touted Power Presentation Skills™, you will deliver the presentation everyone is excited about.

Executive Coaching

C-Level executives and others who manage large organizations need a fresh look at what’s going on inside their own heads. This program is an individually applied hybrid experience, drawing upon inward-looking personal success protocols like Habit Finder, and outward-focused strategies from The Hole In the Donut and others. Typically a four to six month engagement.

Speech Coaching

A client recently contacted me: “I’m going to be delivering a speech on national TV in a month. HELP!” Whether you’re preparing for a local political rally, a large sales conference, or a national debut, you can be ready—and successful.



About your coach


Nate Walker is an international speaker, storytelling coach, author, trainer, sales accelerator, and a certified Habit Finder™ Coach. He has coached thousands of people on several continents in business storytelling, presentation skills, sales, web analytics, and digital marketing. Nathan works with individuals, community groups, leading universities, and with companies such as Apple, Walmart, Sony, Disney, Honda, Adobe, Microsoft, Chicago Tribune, Telstra, SoftBank, GM, and many more.

Nathan has also managed global internal training and enablement programs for Inc. 100 and Fortune 500 companies, and is one of the most prolific web analytics trainers in the world. His Power Presentation Skills™, Hole In the Donut™, and Keys To Discovery™ workshops have been delivered on four continents, and he is widely recognized as a thought leader in the creative application of analytics, targeting, and reporting. He is the inventor of Social Enablement™ and Tribal Enablement™.

Nathan’s great passion is changing the way organizations think about their audience, and as a result, the way they tell their story. The results have been dramatic: millions of dollars in new revenue, greater participation, and better customer retention. One VP of a Fortune 500 company said, “[Nathan] has singlehandedly transformed my entire organization.”


What people are saying


“I know that you’ve changed so many lives…You’ve built confidence and helped rebuild people. I witnessed it literately every 5 seconds while at the conference. I couldn’t even finish a sentence without someone coming up trying to shake hands with what seems to be a celebrity in you.”


"In my years of experience with trainers in many companies and industries, Nathan stands out as the most effective I have ever seen."

–Mike Loveridge, FORTUNE 500 CONSULTANT

"Single handedly, you have achieved an incredibly high level of success… I look forward to working with you on many other projects."


"I just have to tell you, I didn’t want to be here. I’m busy. Things are on fire. But I’m so glad I came. I have learned more in this past day and a half than during my entire career…"


"…where do I start other than – WOW! Nathan has certainly set a new bar.”